πŸŒΈπŸ’– Discover Healing for Your Womb, Sexual Organs, and Sexuality πŸ’«πŸŒΏ

This Online course will help you experience healing in your womb, your sexual organs and your own sexuality. Sexuality is a big deal for most people, even if they don't talk about it much. Bad experiences and feelings can stick with you for a long time and affect your life in different ways.

But with his online course “Healing the womb, the sexual organs and sexuality”, Andreas Goldemann provides comfort, clears up confusion, and helps heal these problems, no matter how old you are. It's a unique course that deals with these issues in detail, unlike anything else out there.

The online course includes over 50 sessions with valuable topics for both genders. 

Who is Andreas Goldemann?

Andreas Goldemann is an intuitive practitioner who has effectively utilized his remarkable talent for over 25 years, working with tens of thousands of individuals across more than 20 countries.

Andreas Goldemann

In his unique approach, Andreas guides all sessions, facilitating a journey to deeper self-awareness through the integration of voice, sound, movement, and introspection. This process enables participants to encounter a heightened quality of life.

His intuitive ability aids in the release of negative emotions that weigh upon the body, mind, and soul, thereby restoring the flow of life energy within individuals. As a result, one experiences increased vitality, strength, and joyfulness.

Choose your individual payment plan:

Register today for The Healing of the Lap Space, take advantage of the 100% satisfaction promise in the form of a 14-day money-back guarantee and at the same time save 67% on the entire program. Additionally, you will receive 2 bonus sessions from the “Trust and Let Go” course.

Payment Plan

An Overview of sessions:

Session 1 - Embracing Healing:

This session focuses on opening up to healing. We ensure readiness and openness for healing of the womb space (for females) or spirit womb (for males) both individually and collectively. This initial step often brings about feelings of transformation, freedom, and increased energy, setting the stage for further progress throughout the course.

Sessions 2 to 5 - Tackling Shame:

Shame is a major obstacle that affects how we deal with ourselves and our sexuality. It can lead to various physical and mental issues if left unaddressed. In these sessions, we systematically address different aspects of shame, aiming to replace it with understanding and acceptance.

Session 6 - Aligning Polarity:

Polarity refers to the alignment of our energy as either male or female. By aligning our energy in the right direction, we can achieve a sense of harmony within ourselves.

Session 7 - Letting Go of Past Partners:

In this session, we sever ties with past sexual partners to find peace and make space for new experiences, if desired.

Session 8 - Releasing External Energies:

We address external energetic influences such as hexes, curses, or attachments from others in this session to regain control over our own energy.

Session 9 - Overcoming Gender Accusations:

Many people struggle with feeling they were born the wrong gender, impacting their self-esteem and overall well-being. This session helps set aside these feelings and fosters acceptance of oneself.

Session 10 - Addressing Shadow Aspects:

We confront and resolve self-created shadow aspects and strategies that hinder our sexual encounters and overall freedom.

Sessions 11 to 14 - Shedding Role Models and Patterns:

We let go of societal and familial influences regarding sexuality, forgiving ourselves and others, and integrating empowering aspects to experience deeper freedom and pleasure.

Session 15 - Clearing Subtle Layers:

This session focuses on clearing old patterns from our subtle layers to enhance our freedom and power.

Session 16 - Releasing Judgments:

We release judgments about ourselves and our sexuality, allowing our consciousness to feel light and free.

Sessions 17 and 18 - Healing After Cheating:

These sessions focus on finding peace and openness after experiencing or committing infidelity.

Session 19 - Forgiveness After Traumatic Experiences:

We work on forgiving ourselves and others for traumatic experiences related to medical treatments or therapeutic sessions, fostering a new outlook on life.

Session 20 - Activating the Vagus Nerve:

This session involves activating and harmonizing the vagus nerve to help the body reset and break free from old patterns.

Session 21 - Addressing Guilt and Conscience:

Guilt and conscience related to sexuality are tackled in this session to promote self-forgiveness and freedom.

Sessions 22 to 26 - Healing from Abuse and Rape:

We use sound and movement to reach a deep peace within ourselves and with perpetrators, addressing trauma and releasing patterns of violence.

Session 27 - Letting Go of Victim Behavior:

This session focuses on releasing victim mentality in various aspects of life to experience true freedom.

Session 28 - Balancing Love and Desires:

We strive for harmony between love and desires, allowing both to coexist in our lives.

Session 29 - Integrating Opposite Sex Portions:

We integrate and accept both masculine and feminine aspects within ourselves for a deeper understanding and experience of life.

Session 30 - Overcoming Addictive Behavior:

Patterns of addiction, particularly related to unfulfilled sexuality, are addressed and broken in this session.

Session 31 - Healing Bladder and Abdominal Issues:

We work on restoring energy flow to the abdomen and releasing emotional stress to promote overall well-being.

Session 32 - Rekindling Physical Love with Partner:

This session aims to revive dormant sexual relationships and reintroduce passion and joy into love lives.

Session 33 - Releasing Chastity Vows:

Vows of chastity are released in this session to embrace life's experiences fully.

Session 34 - Letting Go of Sexual Control:

We release controlling behaviors related to sexuality, allowing for more authentic and fulfilling experiences.

Session 35 - Balancing Sex Addiction and Other Addictions:

We address and work towards overcoming sex addiction and other related addictive behaviors.

Session 36 - Healing from Miscarriages and Abortions:

Grieving and releasing the pain associated with miscarriages and abortions are the focus of this session.

Session 37 - Promoting Sexual Wellness in Old Age:

This session focuses on maintaining sexual vitality and hormonal balance in older age.

Session 38 - Connecting with Sexual Frequencies:

We explore different frequencies of sexuality to deepen our connection with ourselves and others.

Session 39 - Embracing Sexual Identity:

Accepting and embracing our sexual identity leads to self-love, authenticity, and more fulfilling relationships.

Session 40 - Expressing Sexuality Authentically:

This session encourages expressing our sexuality authentically through body language and voice, reflecting the freedom gained throughout the course.

Special Sessions

 Special 1 and 2 - relief and energy gain during menstruation + headache, emotional phases, tension:

The first two specials are about menstruation. Since many people experience stress during these days, we have created something here to provide relief, freedom from pain and at the same time a noticeable increase in energy.

Special 3 - Dealing with unwanted departures:

The deep emotional pain of an unwanted departure is treated in this session. Courage and confidence begin to show themselves again. Life goes on - more powerful, better than before.

Special 4 - Breathing on sexual energy:

In this session we consciously breathe in the sexual energy. As a result, it begins to solidify in the body, expands far beyond it and clears our energy field. Strictly recommended for free repetition. A real pleasure.

Special 5 - Caesarean section:

Healing of the stressed structures after cesarean section. We remove the scars and injuries from the energy body and affirm mother and child (no matter how old) about the release of the wounds and the birth experience.

Special 6 - Perineal Crack Cut:

Healing of the injured structures after a perineal tear or episiotomy. Here too we remove the scars and injuries from the energy body. The consequences are more stability in the spine and pelvis and a new increase in pleasure.

Special 7 - Dealing with and harmonizing menopausal symptoms:

Hot flashes, cold shivers and sleep problems are often a result of menopause. In this session you will shed your old energy body and completely move into your new energy body. As a result, the symptoms go away and you literally experience yourself in a new way.

Special 8 - Removing negative influences after anesthesia etc:

Pharmaceuticals, medicines and narcotics often have a major impact on the body years later. In this session we swing out the corresponding frequencies so that these influences no longer have any power.

Special 9 - Using sexual energy in everyday life:

Sexual energy is creative energy - if you know how, you can use it powerfully to better cope with your everyday life. In our Special 9 you will learn how easy it is and thus have a daily tool at your disposal for a better quality of life.

Special 10 - Small energy circuit, healing leaks:

The small energy circuit helps you to heal energetic leaks and also your body. At the same time it is a real pleasure when the sexual energy circulates in your body. Just beautiful.


Special 11 - Energetic stabilization after contraceptive measures:

Contraceptive measures change your nature, your cycle, your mood and take energy. In Special 11 we swing out the negative frequencies so that you can be you.

Special 12 - The female breast:

A session especially for the female breast. Recommended for women and men alike to gain more sensitivity and a better understanding of energy. The female breast is part of the female orgasm. Anyone who knows this will experience more.

Special 13 to 15 – Reconstruction of the genital organs:

These sessions are reconstruction sessions of the sexual organs and also energetic help after circumcisions (male and female). Here healing of the injured structures can be found, be it in the physical, mental or energy body. If necessary, use the appropriate session and enjoy the deep healing.

🎁 Your bonus: Dive into "Trust and Letting Go," a 2-part course! 🌟

This course turbocharges the impact of "The Healing of the Womb Space," making the results even deeper and easier to attain.

In the first session of "Trust and Letting Go," you'll discover how to trust yourself limitlessly and tap into your creative power. This sets the stage for an effective process of letting go.
In the second session, I'll guide you through releasing - whether it's people, activities, patterns, or belongings.
The freedom and tranquility this brings will open up space for new paths, encounters, and ideas in your life. 🌱✨

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